Hey guys! Slump here once again with a new video! I hope its good, I made it on a whim but I think its ok. Anyway thanks for watching, please rate, subscribe to youtube, or go to my Flickr.
Thanks for watching, Flic out.
The best World of warcraft videos around!
Why is your blog/internet name WoWSlump, but your WoW name 'Flic'? That is also a very good question. My answer though, is rather simple: When I started these videos I was playing as my Hunter named Slump, but now I play my paladin named Flic. Therefore the confusion.
Why do you have a 2h wep? Are you ret now? Yerp. I am. I am going to be ret forever and ever too. Because I'm just planning on getting Flic to 80. then making a new alt. Mage or Warlock, anyways I will make some videos of my alt too, once I make it.
(More questions comming. If you have a question, or would like me to answer one of your questions, please send it to WoWslump@gmail.com)
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